How to Setup Likes Campaigns with the New ODAX Interface
Hi everyone, welcome to
the Ad Hacks podcast.
I'm your host Rod Bland, and
in this podcast, I talk about
how to get better results from
your Instagram and Facebook
marketing and the many lessons
that I've learned from being
in the e-commerce business
for the last 20 years.
What is going on with the
Facebook ads interface?
You might've noticed that you
can't create a new ad campaign
with the same objectives
that you used to have
because you've been enrolled
in Facebook's new ODAX.
Which is short for outcome
driven ad experiences.
Now, Facebook are saying that
this allows advertisers to do
optimal campaign setups, but I
found it was quite tricky just
to create a likes campaign.
So this video is going
to take you through the
differences between the
old interface and the new
interface in relation to
setting up a likes campaign.
Let's get into it.
Today's episode is going to
be all about Facebook's new
ads manager interface, which
they are gradually rolling out
to all advertisers, otherwise
known as ODAX which is
outcome driven ad experience.
I'm going to show you the
differences in specifically
how it relates to setting
up a likes campaign from
scratch, which I've talked
about in a previous video, but
the way that that works now
with the new ODAX interface,
it is quite different
to set up and I found it
quite confusing to actually
get the campaign going.
So let's jump on the computer
and see how it's done.
So here's the article
that Facebook published
back in December.
They've been gradually
rolling out this new
ODAX interface to
advertisers over time.
I've noticed on some of our
ad accounts that we still
have the original interface,
and whenever we have a new
client come on board and
we've got a new business
manager and new ad accounts
being created, that the new
ODAX interface is the one
that is set up by default.
So Facebook are saying
that it's really all about
providing a more optimal
campaign setup experience for
advertisers and by and large,
I'd say that's probably true.
If you are used to the old
interface, like me then you
might find the new interface
a little bit confusing.
I found it particularly
confusing with relation to
setting up a likes campaign,
and because this is a topic
that I've covered before
in previous videos, I'm
creating this one to show you
specifically how you go about
creating a likes campaign
with the new interface,
because it took me quite
a while to figure it out.
So I've deliberately split
my screen up here so that
you can see the difference
between the old interface
and the new interface.
So on the right-hand
side, I've got the old ad
manager interface and on
the left-hand side, I've
got an ad account with the
new ad manager interface.
So let's start with the old
one on how we would set up a
likes campaign from scratch.
So we click create, and then
we choose engagement and we
choose page likes and you
can name your campaign, and
that gets us into the initial
setup of the campaign itself.
Now let's go over to
the new interface.
We click create.
Now we've only got six
objectives and we can
choose engagement, but you
can't choose anything else.
You can't select what
particular engagement
that you want.
So when I first saw
this, I really wasn't
sure what to do next.
Just click continue.
Now we're at the
campaign level.
As you can see, the campaign
objective over here is page
likes on the old interface.
On the new interface,
it's engagement.
If we click on edit,
that's the only
option that we've got.
Let's put my face
in the middle here.
So let's go next on the
new interface, and we'll go
next on the old interface.
So the conversion location
is the next part that I
found a bit confusing.
So initially I thought well,
I want the conversion location
to be on the ad because I
want people to click the
like button on the ad itself.
But, that's not actually
what you need to do.
What you need to do is
select Facebook page.
Then you just select
the page that you want.
If it's not already selected.
On the old interface, you
might need to select your
particular page, and then
we get down into budget
and end date, and the
audience, which I won't go
into because I've already
covered this in a previous
video and I'll put a link
to that in the description.
So let's go next on the
new interface and we'll go
next on the old interface.
So at the ad level, everything
else is still the same.
So the only real thing
you have to be concerned
about is that at the ad set
level, on the new interface,
you've got to specifically
select the Facebook page
as the conversion location.
Whereas on the old interface,
because you've selected a more
granular campaign objective
of page likes, you don't
need to make that selection
at the ad set level, like
you do on the new interface.
Thank you so much for
watching or listening.
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I'll catch you in
the next episode.